Sunday, April 27, 2014


At some point in our timeline, the notion of “wrong” became synonymous with “evil”.  It becomes easy to equate the two, and in many cases we assemble “right and wrong” and “good and evil” in the same sentence and thought process, usually in order to assert that we are both aligned toward what is right and what is good.  The unfortunate consequence of this mentality is that we now equate being wrong about anything with being evil, and have attributed a moral quality to a concept that is inherently factual.  There is no morality in being wrong, nor is there any sin committed in having wrong ideas, and as such, the attempt to avoid being wrong at all costs is in turn an attempt to avoid ever learning, growing or evolving.

You aren't evil for going this way, you're just probably going to die

The negative implication of this inherent need to always be right is the behavior it encourages and reinforces.  When presented with information wherein it may seem that we are wrong about an idea we currently maintain, rather than further explore this new idea to witness if it maintains any merit, we instead relentlessly research all information that will confirm our current belief system in order to bolster our mental defenses.  We sacrifice all of our other principles, to include objectivity, rationality, and in many cases simple human decency and benevolence, in order to ensure that we do not commit the cardinal sin of ever being wrong.  In doing so, we squander all of our opportunities to grow.

There is freedom in being wrong, and in fact, being wrong about something is one of the most liberating sensations in the world, assuming one has found success with their current belief and approach.  A successful person who finds out they are wrong has zero need to fear the implications of being wrong, and instead only joy in discovering what is right.   If one has found success by doing the wrong thing, then most surely, upon using the right method, their success will grow even more exponentially, no?  Would this not mean, then, that the absolute best situation for a trainee to be in is one in which they are wrong, for their potential is nowhere near exhausted?  Oh what a tragedy it would be to discover that one has been right all along, and that they have already achieved all they possibly can using the absolute most perfect methods and ideas available to them.  How is THAT not instead the most evil scenario, with being wrong actually being the preferred ideal?

Could you even imagine how big Arnold's biceps would have gotten had he stopped doing curls the wrong way and started doing them the right way?

It is only the unsuccessful who fear being wrong, for it merely confirms what their lack of success has already been dictating to them.  An unsuccessful trainee is clearly wrong by nature of their own lack of success, yet they will argue to the death how “right” they are, for it is the only means of success they have available to them.  Despite their own inability to progress, they have research, examples, stories, myths, legends, anecdotes, studies, and all manner of hearsay and conjecture which confirms beyond the shadow of a doubt just how right they truly are, and how the rest of the world is wrong.  Though it would be un-obvious to even the most learned observer, this failed specimen is actually the most right on all arguments about the subject, and will gladly explain to you on an intellectual level how right they are, due to the fact that, on a physical and obvious level, there is no evidence.  It is the fear of admitting that they have failed up until this point that drives these trainees to find newer and more creative mental gymnastics necessary in order to prove to themselves how right they are, for otherwise, their time being wrong has been squandered, whereas the successful trainees time being wrong was well spent.

I ask you, what possible benefit is there in being right, if it means you are weak?  Wouldn't it be far more preferable to wrong and be strong?  I cannot wait to find out what else I am wrong about, because it means I have another chance to become even bigger and stronger.

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